I recently went to the movies with a group of friends (LOTR: The Return of the King - VERY good), and came out to find some pizza coupons and an ad on my truck. The coupons were for Domino's Pizza (thanks!) and the ad was for "Semester Break Work". With just one look at the ad, I was sure it was a scam, and I decided I would do some research.
I found that the company has multiple web sites, all geared toward the recruitment of students as sales reps. This, in my eyes, pointed to a scam. (Why would a corporation need so many different web sites?)
I also found web sites and online forums devoted to trying to warn people about Vector's tactics. I have since emailed a couple of university professors who are quoted on a Vector Marketing web site, and hope to receive some more insight into what I am afraid is a company trying to take advantage of students who don't quite yet know the ways of the world.
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Monday, December 22, 2003
There's a billboard on a very busy road (County Line Rd.) in our city that catches everyone's attention: We have the way! My girlfriend and I were curious about it, and decided to check it out. We guessed it was religious, and we were right. My question is: why do they assume that the person who has everything doesn't have salvation already?