Saturday, February 04, 2006

Today I took steps toward accomplishing a couple of my smaller goals I set on my 43 things! I had a workout with my wife, and I started growing some tomatoes! The workout was fun, and I hope to have my wife as a workout buddy more often. The tomatoes I'm not so sure about, I worry that I didn't put the seeds down far enough in the peat pellets but only time will tell!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I found this cool site the other day, 43 things. It allows anybody to keep up with 43 goals they'd like to attain in life. Both my wife and I have set up our goals (not yet 43 though), and now we're off! It's pretty cool, and the link to my list is , some of which will never be attained, and some of which I can never mark off the list, but could be attained.