Thursday, April 27, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Audio Books Galore!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
My first tomato!
My tomato plants are doing great! They’re about two and a half feet tall now, and I’ve got my first tomatoes forming! The tomatoes are about the same size as the tip of my little finger, but they’re there. I can’t wait until they’re ready to pick and eat.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Ave Maria, FL
They're building a catholic university, and plan to build a town around it based off of traditional family values. First comes the university. Won't most (if not all) the students there be catholic, and hold to strict moral and traditional values? In theory, they will comprise most of the population anyway. So, they won't have a problem with it.
Next comes the town. I just saw an interview with the principal investors on the Today show. They say that it's a misconception that certain things (contraception) will be banned. Yes, it will be discouraged, but not banned. Again, in a town comprised of mostly catholic people, it stands to reason that it would be discouraged by belief alone, not by some governmental statement. Also, anyone can move there of course, you don't have to be catholic.
So, again, I ask... what's the big deal? If I wanted to start a community where everyone is a movie star, or works with movie stars, then more than likely the whole community will hold to similar values and have similar views on things. No governmental restrictions are needed because nobody else would want to live there very long anyway... oh wait, that's Hollywood huh?
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.Yup... the answer is forty-two... the number of generations from Abraham to Christ. That's the answer to life, the universe, and everything. (Reading the Bible is one of my 43 Things goals, I'm starting with the New Testament for now.)
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Anyway, this got me to thinking... I've heard before that they're not all that nutritious anyway, and that pigs won't even eat them! So I looked 'em up (gotta love the internet!) Well, bell peppers do have nutrients, but they're not as good as broccoli, or lima beans, but they do have onions beat! And about the pig thing, it's not true according to this site about potbellied pigs.
My step-daughter... the bike rider!
Last weekend she was able to start and stop by herself, but she couldn’t do it consistently and she had not attempted to make a turn more than turning a corner. This weekend she has been able to consistently start, stop, and turn around in the street! She can ride a bike by herself now! Of course, she’s not going to be riding by herself, she’s still too young to be riding all by herself. I just have to get my bike’s flat tires pumped up, and we’ll ride together now! I’m so proud of her!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Going paddling...
While working out this morning, my wife asked about the shirt I was wearing. It was a Chatooga river t-shirt, which I got while white-water rafting with friends a few years ago. I told her about it and said we should go sometime, but first we should probably go canoeing to get her feet wet (no pun intended.) Also, our step-daughter could go with us on a canoeing trip. Now I’ve added this as a goal that I want to do this year!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
I have sprouts!
My tomatoes are sprouting! The grape tomatoes appear to be growing faster than the regular, but all are now pushing out of the peat pellets. The packages for the tomatoes say they sprout in about 7 days, they’re a little early, but I’m also using a little greenhouse type contraption. The bell peppers are slower, the package says it could take them 10-12 days, but I do see little feelers poking out of a couple of those seeds.
Oh, and I also got my 6 yr old step-daughter a little “grow your own sunflower” pot at the same time as when I got my tomatoes. It’s already about two inches high, and she’s excited. We’ll have to transplant it sooner than the tomatoes.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
All by herself now!
Deepest Sender Firefox Extension
Went around the block today...
Well, I’ve been trying to teach my step daughter to ride her bike for a few weeks now. We do a little each weekend.
Last weekend we met the milestone of her being able to ride more than a few seconds without me holding onto her. I think I was more excited than she was! I snatched her up and hugged her and told her I was so proud of her. She just smiled sheepishly and giggled.
This weekend she’s gotten even better. She was able to ride all the way around the block only stopping once to take a rest. During the stop she looked over at me, smiled, and said what was probably the best “thank you” I’ve ever received. Life is good.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I found this cool site the other day, 43 things. It allows anybody to keep up with 43 goals they'd like to attain in life. Both my wife and I have set up our goals (not yet 43 though), and now we're off! It's pretty cool, and the link to my list is , some of which will never be attained, and some of which I can never mark off the list, but could be attained.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Our memories are such funny things. Why is it that every time I hear "The Blower's Daughter" by Damien Rice, I think of the first time I heard it? I was at my girlfriend's house (well before she became my wife), it was late, and she had fallen asleep in my arms as we watched the Late Show. Damien Rice came on and performed "The Blower's Daughter." His performance was really haunting, and caused me to go out and buy the CD the next day. Why does this song stick out in my memory so much? Possibly Damien Rice's haunting performance? More likely the fact that this is when I realized I was hopelessly in love with the woman in my arms.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Our main problem at our house are mosquitos. I don't know why, but they are ALWAYS hanging around our front door area, and invariably find their way into the house. Each night my wife and I see one in our bedroom while watching TV before going to sleep. Now and again I notice one in the bathroom, and go into mosquito hunt mode. I run around slapping the air like a maniac for a while, and usually kill two or three. I've got to figure out how to reduce the population around the front door.
By the way, I was kind of amused while reading the wikipedia article about mosquitos. I noticed that there was a link to another article labeled tin can. I couldn't believe that there is an entry in the wikipedia about tin cans! I guess when the aliens come, they can just access the wikipedia to learn about anything and everything.